So we've reached the end of the convention, and, not surprisingly, fashion media has caught a huge case of election fever. Obviously, the industryskews blue, but even the current administration is getting in on the stylish coverage of politics (btw - if you're going to FOX News for style opinions, we need to have a very long talk.) Whatever this says about the nation, we sure had a good time looking at all the delegates in their party finery. As Anderson Cooper said, there's never been a convention that looked quite like this one. Certainly, he was talking about the generational shift, the racial diversity, and the sights and sounds of Mile-High Stadium. But thanks to shots from CNN (lower left), The New York Times (lower left), and the Huffington Post, we got to see some very different styles as well. And that brings us to our pick for the best style for the four days of the convention from the Huffington Post's fashion reporter. Congratulations, Kelly Jacobs, delegate for the 1st Congressional District of Mississippi (upper right)&mdashh;Obama may have walked away with the nomination, but your striking symmetrical use of flair makes you the winner in our eyes. (Huffington Post)