Hot off the press! Make sure your boss isn't around (NSFW) when scrolling through these just-released images from the Pirelli Calendar 2012, taken by Mario Sorrenti, who apparently didn't want the results to be "overtly sexy." Looks like you failed, Mario. (Styleite)
Winter blues gettin' you down? Here come the ad campaigns of spring '12 to give you hope in the midst of your wintry depression. Feast your weary eyes on bright, printed dresses, wedge sandals, poolside naps... and goats? (The Cut)
The League of Extraordinary Fashion Bloggers (names like Susie Bubble and Bryanboy ring a bell?) unite to film the Prada spring '12 show in Tokyo. Hey, where's our ticket? (Fashion Etc.)
Speaking of fashion bloggers, want to be one? NY Times critic Cathy Horyn has some things to say to you. We won't disclose it all here, but let's just say that you should probably start packing your bags. (Racked)
Home for the holiday with nowhere private to blast your Jay-Z and Kanye? No worries, we've got your back with these parent-friendly hip-hop albums — Obama's even put his stamp of approval on one of them. (Flavorwire)

Photo: Via The Cut