Refinery29’s Halloween Stars: Iekeliene Stange Raids Her Wardrobe

Short on inspiration for Halloween this Friday? Refinery29's favorite people share their best and worst trick-or-treating moments to help you prepare for the holiday in style.
Iekeliene Stange, model/photographer—Scary Kitten Ballerina/Evil Bunny/????!
What's the best costume you've ever had?
I just fabricated something really last minute… I was like a scary kitten ballerina or an evil bunny—I wore this Lolita bunny outfit with a very scary white face and my makeup got very crunchy and half of it was falling off which made it even scarier.
And what's going on in these photos?
These photos are from last Halloween, which turned out to be a bit of a disaster (I think most of my Halloweens have). I took a train back to London so I'd be home in time for Halloween with friends, but in the end I didn't arrive until after midnight and none of my friends were doing anything. So I decided to arrange a Halloween party two days later but nobody knew it was for Halloween and no one came in costume so I dressed everyone up myself with things out of my wardrobe.
How nice of you.

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