Anyone who says the beach (or Soho House's pool) is not one big pickup bar hasn't been to SoBe. Unless you're rocking a rock on your ring finger (okay, that's a bit of hyperbole), sandy pickups are to be expected. Tanning oil? Check. Pina Colada? Check. Bikini? Check check check. You're ready to turn some heads, so we're giving you an accessory to seal the deal re: your waterside game. Art Production Fund's latest series of provocative, oversized beach towels includes a crimson, text-heavy option from artist Barbara Kruger that spells out s-i-n-g-l-e contemporary style. If you're not looking to attract handsome artists (they'll "get" it, but then again even a keg-stand-ed out frat boy can recognize the subtext), choose Rirkrit Tiravanija's "I am Busy" option. If someone tries to ask for your number, all you need to do is point.
Above, from left: Art Production Fund Barbara Kruger Towel, $110, available at Opening Ceremony; Art Product Fund Rirkrit Tiravanija Towel, $110, available at Opening Ceremony.
Photos: Via Opening Ceremony