We Knew It: D.C. Ladies Are Ruling The Single-And-Loving-It Game


Single women here in Washington are the happiest in the nation, according to a survey by
and It's true, no matter what your most lovelorn besties tell you over drinks: "Unlike other cities, Washington has people coming and going with each administration," Helen Fisher, PhD., an anthropologist and's chief scientific advisor, tells
The Washington Post
. "So women have a continually renewed source of men."

So, it seems that the very thing that can make dating in D.C. tougher — people don't stick around long, which means you have either a short-lived relationship or a long-distance one — is the thing that keeps the scene interesting. While that boggles our minds a bit, we can say this: Our city boasts some of the most accomplished, intelligent, and fun single women around. Yes, there's an infamous shortage of men here, but it makes us pretty proud that we, as ladies, have more going on than an endless series of Sex & The City-worthy gripe-fests. (Not that we haven't had a few of those, too, mind you.)
What do you think: Are the single women in your life some of the happiest you know? What makes them so stoked to be solo?

Photo: Via Glamour

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