This 29Rooms Exhibit Is Challenging Us To Think Big

With another iteration of 29Rooms officially underway, it’s safe to say the event's first-ever foray into the West Coast has been a pretty successful one. (The proof is in the pictures). But, of all the magical, colorful, mind-expanding rooms we’ve created and unveiled, one in particular that has a special place in our hearts is "The New World." In partnership with Toyota Camry, this surrealist, alternate-reality installation dares us to think beyond the scope of our own bubble and to embrace the thrill of the unknown. If you weren't lucky enough to snag tickets and experience the magic in person, no need for FOMO — we've compiled some of our favorite photo moments just ahead. Journey through this exhilarating installation, and relive the very same feeling behind the wheel of the All-New 2018 Camry, too.
Photographed by Sami Drasin.
Photographed by Sami Drasin.
Photographed by Sami Drasin.

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