Homebodies, we think you’re going to dig this one. So, what is the easiest — and kind of the creepiest — way to see the sights and sounds of the city from the comfort of your casa? That is, aside from going all Peeping Tom on us with a pair of binoculars? All signs point to the new app Snapquest, a web-based way to see random folks’ Instagram snaps on a map.
This website gives you a live stream of Instragram pictures from your surrounding area when you push a little pin on a Google map. Oh, and you can easily share the pics via Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest.
Although the site isn’t quite phone friendly yet, grab your computer and check it out. Each photo is definitely a surprise. Like we said, it feels a tad wrong since most of the pictures are from complete strangers, but the photos are shared based on the privacy settings users selected. Plus, a little light-hearted stalking is a-ok in our book! Will you be heading to Snapquest any time soon?
Photo: Via Snapquest