Listen people, don't say we didn't warn you...'cause we did. Christmas is biting at your heels and you still haven't crossed everyone off your list? What's a girl to do? The last thing you have time to do is rummage the war-torn aisles of Barney's or Crate & Barrel for that perfect gift. But don't give up hope! Something homemade and crafty might be just what to doctor ordered. Here are three last minute gift quickies for you to whip up for that special someone.

Go ahead and create a booklet of various tasks you're indebted to performing for your lucky lover this upcoming year. Our suggestions? A home-cooked dinner, one back massage and, of course, various sexual favors. Oh la la!

Swing down to Duane Reade and grab a box of Russell Stover chocolates. Pull out the inserts that describe the tasty treats and add your own fortune.

Just throw a big bottle of Rum, a quart of Silk Egg Nog and a fun and festive mug together and voilá, you've got yourself some healthy holiday spirts.