We definitely have our fair share of scallop-hemmed skirts (and shirts and shorts and tops and, well, you get the point) hanging in our closets. There's something about that ultra-femme, ladylike line that really jazzes up an ordinary hem.
But, as much as we love a good scallop, we can't say we've ever thought of translating this trend to our makeup — that is, until we got a look at this cool tutorial that Lauren Conrad and the team over at The Beauty Department whipped up recently.
We wouldn't really call this look, which requires a stencil, some bright liner, a thin brush, and a really steady hand, totally DIY. This looks like the kind of makeup experiment best done with a few girlfriends to try and get it right.
Admittedly, it's a little high maintenance, but after following the directions (and helpful photos), we think we did a pretty good job. Now, we just need to figure out if we can pair it with our scallop bikini without looking like we went overboard. (The Beauty Department)
What do you think: Is scallop liner next on your makeup must-trys, or is this funky design a pass?
Photo: Via The Beauty Department