Is This Korean Song The Next “Call Me Maybe”?

If you don't know what the phrase "oppan Gangnam style" means, you'd better wise up — this three-word refrain is about to get lodged in your brain just as "Call Me Maybe" did a few months ago.
"Gangnam Style," the web's new favorite song by South Korean hip-hop artist PSY, is basically about this guy who thinks he can woo the ladies by bragging about how smooth and classy he is. Gangnam is one of the most affluent areas of Seoul, and the phrase "oppan Gangnam style" is loosely equivalent to some dude coming up to you at the bar and telling you how classy he is because he's wearing a Prada suit. Groaning yet?
The clincher is that PSY totally runs with this absurdity in his outlandish and hilarious music video, which really needs to be seen to be believed. With his bizarre horse dance, side-winding wiggle, and some awkward gyrations, he's a man who knows how to take cheesy and turn it into something incredibly endearing. Check it out below, and if you find yourself crushing on PSY by the end, don't worry — we're a little in love, too.
(Bonus round! Can you spot two members of Big Bang in the video? Hint: They've aged a few years.)

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