Watch Robert Pattinson Eat Ice Cream With Jon Stewart

Here it is. The moment we've all been waiting for. Robert Pattinson is going to talk about The Big Breakup (capital letters necessary; no that's not a Jennifer Aniston movie). Oh, no, wait — no he's not! R. Patz joined Jon Stewart on The Daily Show and the two of them were so darn charming that we forgot to be mad that he wasn't giving us all the sordid details.
Although they did share ice cream and engage in some light girl talk, any time spent on the issue was basically just Jon Stewart joking around and not letting R. Patz get a word in (which he didn't seem particularly keen to do anyways). They talked about his new movie Cosmopolis (trailer here), and it was over as quickly as it began. It was slightly awkward, and there may have been a touch of pout in those lovely eyes, but overall it looks like Rob is coming through the whole debacle in pretty good shape. Way to be, R. Patz. Way to be.
Watch the video and try, just try not to love him. And check out our own Leila Brillson's round-table discussion of the Event of the Century on Gawker (hint: she discovered an Illuminati conspiracy)!

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