Confession: We enjoy shopping for our four-legged companions just as much as we dig dropping dough on ourselves. Yep, Fido does tend to come first sometimes. And, as evidenced by this snazzy roundup — plenty of pooch-loving San Franciscans can relate.
Well, one of our beloved Berkeley pup spots (yes, we have a fave dog store) that specializes in sleek, studded collars and leashes has just made a hair fur-raising announcement. Paco Collars has teamed up with boho retailer Free People to launch a line of cool, eco-friendly canine accessories.
Free People's Pet Project boasts an array of eye-catching designs from dog beds to tags by various artisans, but you'll find Paco Collars' contributions similar to what's in the adorable Shattuck Avenue locale: blinged-out neck adornments (ranging from $98 to $208) with colorful bits and bops that we’re seriously barking about. “We're super excited about this collaboration,” says owner Ana Poe. “We've been striving ourselves as being on the cutting edge of dog fashion for years, so it's nice to be recognized by one of the biggest brands in human fashion.”
We didn’t think we’d see the day where we got this excited about pooch accessories. But, yes, it has happened...and that day is today.
Photo: Via Free People