When it comes to a well-edited closet, one of the key tricks is choosing accessories that are not only eye-catching but are also able to translate to (practically) any outfit. Which explains why we were drawn to this shiny, spine-y neckpiece from H&M. That, plus, the fact that this instant wardrobe winner costs less than our lunch.
With its bright-gold finish and clean lines, the necklace feels refreshingly more special than other pieces of costume jewelry one might purchase from a mass retailer. And, for less than $20, we've nailed the perfect complement to our collared shirts, favorite tees, and just about any dress that could use an extra pop of shine. Feel free to walk home from work today or brown bag your lunch tomorrow if you'd like to call things even, but we think this $13 splurge is so worth treating yourself.
H&M Necklace, $12.95, available at H&M.