Love Of Everything at The Empty Bottle, Tonight, Free! One quick RSVP will get you in to see Chicago's own Love Of Everything, a band making almost-emo vocals and the quirks of raw emotion into something really cool.
The Empty Bottle, (at West Cortez Street) 1035 North Western Avenue; 773-276-3600.
The 1900s at Lincoln Hall, 8/26, $20. Don't shudder at the price-tag quite yet, this local-hero band comes with a side of Peter, Bjorn, and John for good measure. This nostalgia rock doesn't happen live very often (much to our dismay), so get it while it's good.
Lincoln Hall, 2424 North Lincoln Avenue (at Fullerton Avenue and Halsted Street); 773-525-2501.
Tammar at Schubas, 8/26, $12. The only thing better than seeing a much-buzzed-about band is seeing it for free. Tammar's music is what we'd imagine a relaxing Sunday afternoon to sound like, if it had a soundtrack. And if you're looking for a musical no-brainer to add to your indie-rock repertoire, here it is. As promised in our obvious headline, if you tweet this story and tag @refinery29, you'll be entered for a chance to win two free tix to this show!
Schubas, 3159 North Southport Avenue (at Belmont Avenue); 773-525-2508.
Band of Horses at First Midwest Bank Amphitheater, $30.50. If you've never seen Band of Horses live, but have always wondered if they really sound that good in person, we can assure you that they do. Don't believe us? Buy these tickets for you and someone special and have the best Friday night ever.
First Midwest Bank Amphitheater, 19100 South Ridgeland Avenue (at Flossmoore Road), Tinley Park, IL.
Blah Blah Blah at Double Door, 8/27, $10. Hot on the heels of their record release, Blah Blah Blah invade Double Door for a night. You might remember Blah Blah Blah from a little chat we had with them last week. Maybe it's time to close the laptop and see these boys in person, eh?
Double Door, 1572 North Milwaukee Avenue (at Milwaukee, North, and Damen avenues); 773-489-3160.