The 5 Phases Of A Typical Monday

You wake up to a blaring alarm that sounds like a fire alarm might in the early 1900s and check your phone. It tells you that it's early Monday morning. That's right, it's Monday again. Convinced you're in a terrible nightmare, you toss and turn for another 15 minutes before resigning yourself to the fact that it is indeed Monday...again. If this sounds like you, Pulsar is here to commiserate. The maker of solar watches knows a thing or two about recharging over a weekend in order to alert its wearers of happy hours and Monday mornings alike. And, like us, it knows that the best way to deal with an unsavory situation often involves making fun of it. Which brings us back to Monday mornings. Pull on some decently professional loungewear, take a big swig of coffee, and we'll take it from there.

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