Need more winter wonderland in your life? Whether you're busting out triple pirouettes and double axles or just clinging to the edge of the rink for dear life, check out L.A.'s top ice skating rinks for the season. (Rundown)
The Great Wall of L.A.? The artist behind the Golia Beacon on the Sunset Strip wants to build a $24 million wall separating LA from the OC. (Curbed LA)
Just in time for the gym membership you opened on Christmas morning (a hint from your well-meaning significant other regarding the fruitcake crumbs on your mouth?), a list of stylish work-out gear has been posted for your perusal. (Brandx)
Like leathery brown mother, like bright orange daughter! A new study shows that 40% of girls hit the tanning beds for the first time with their moms. The damage is being compared to mom handing you a pack of cigarettes a few times a month. (Jezebel)
This gallery of rainy day wardrobes should be enough inspiration to keep from succumbing to wet weather woes this season. If we have to deal with the rain, we might as well look cute as hell! (LA Times)