Snookie has been denied the honor of descending into Manhattan in the Times Square New Years Eve ball on the 31st during the midnight countdown. All of New York has shed a single tear. That would have been a good reason to TiVo, and by good we mean hysterical. (Huffington Post)
If the pricey auction of a dead horse, Charlie Sheen's rampage, and paying an ice cream truck driver to cab you around to your favorite West Village bars are at the top of your most fond memories of 2010, you should probably check out these other "dubious" moments worth musing over. (Urban Daddy)
Sick of trudging through mountains of snow to get to work? Just blame Bloomberg! Really, he said it's okay to blame him, and he describes what's left of the clean up effort as "mind-boggling". How reassuring. (NY Mag)
"Fashionable elegant" party plans have been announced in Park Slope, in case your New Year's Eve plans fell through at the last second. Held by local Brooklyn "style collective" The Block Association, you can crash this party for $30 and ease the pain of not witnessing Snookie in the Times Square ball-drop with champagne and give-aways. (Racked NY)
If one of your New Year's resolutions is to increase your presence at events of substance, check this weekend guide to the best art events in the city that won't be overrun with tourists. Or at least less crowded than the MET. (Daily Candy)