Someone Did The Dirty Work For You: 6 Natural Deodorants That Really Work

We really want to be that kind of girl that can wear natural deodorant, but then it's 90+ degrees and we're melting (literally and figuratively) and the thought of abandoning our super-duper, stop-all-sweat anti-perspirant in favor of some herbs and plants absolutely petrifies us. Because anyone who's taken a natural deodorant or two for a spin knows that, despite their myriad purported risks, standard deodorants simply work better than their natural counterparts. Or do they?
Determined to separate the worthy all-natural deodorizing sticks from their less-than-effective counterparts, writer Kate Stoeffel of The Cut put eleven all-natural deodorants to the test. We have to admit, we're in awe of Stoeffel's dedication, and we applaud her for her honesty about her own personal, erm, aroma.
Stoeffel hilariously breaks down the pros and cons of each product, and reveals her top picks — such as Soapwalla's strange, yet effective, deodorant cream (which also happens to be one of our all-time favorite all-natural beauty buys)— so that we don't have to, and for that, we are thankful. Stoeffel may have been willing to risk smelling like an "onion tree" in the name of beauty journalism, but we'll happily be skipping the experimental stage and just go to the not-smelling-up-the-subway-cars-with-our-sweaty-stank phase. (The Cut)

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