5 Things To Know This AM — Aug 01 2013

Nowadays, American luxury means Malibu beaches, David Yurman bling, and, of course, Kate Upton. (ELLE)
Wanted: Models looking to change the perception of what it means to be beautiful in the fashion industry — no one above 5'4" need apply. (Gambita)
Ogle all you want at Amber Heard's September cover spread in Flare magazine, just stop questioning her sexuality. (Flare)
Please allow this soothing British woman and various groceries to teach you why you'll never have the sex life of a porn star. (The Hairpin)
Try and find a more elegant collaboration than Forevermark diamonds and the Royal Ballet. Just try. (Styleite)
elle-kate-upton-yurman-debodPhoto: Courtesy of David Yurman.

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