Fashion’s Ongoing Obsession With the Trailer Park

Yes, Heidi Klum and Seal renewed their wedding vows this past weekend with a a white trash-themed ceremony in Malibu, complete with cornrows and a mullet wig for Seal. And the week before that, socialite Derek Blasberg threw a white trash birthday bash, in which Fabiola, Julia, and Byrdie all donned bandanas, stick-on tattoos, and big plastic earrings. But let's face it: Fashion's fixation over Trailer Park living is nothing new. Just look at Vivienne Westwood's trash-tastic campaign images shot in a California trailer park or Alex Wang's penchant for the low-brow (he even dressed up as a Burger King server for Halloween last year) as evidenced by his trailer-park themed spring '08 lookbook. Could next season's runways also be inundated with even more bleached hair, ripped tights, fake nails, and daisy dukes? Don't say we didn't warn you...trailer fash is here to stay.
Above: Heidi Klum and Seal's white-trash-themed wedding celebration this past weekend, photo via Jezebel.
Above: Images from Alexander Wang's spring '08 lookbook.

Above: Marie Claire's editorial "Retro Fabulous," photographed by Mel Karch.
Above: Vivienne Westwood's spring '09 ad campaign, featuring Pamela Anderson, shot by Juergen Teller in a California trailer park.
Above: Fabiola Beracasa, Byrdie Bell, and Julia Restoin-Roitfeld at Derek Blasberg's White Trash Black Tie party.
Above: "Hollywood Studios" editorial in Marie Claire Italia, shot by Jacques Olivar.

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