Who doesn't totally admire the ages-old beauty of burlesque—the porcelain skin and va-va-voom proportions of it all. Naturally, such a fancy has led us to jump on the bustier bandwagon. Sure, it's a tad provocative. But done right the shorter, more buxom cousin of the corset can be as timeless as it is trendy. Plus, you've got to love anything that slims the waist and enhances the bust the moment you put it on. To help you steer clear of XXX territory, we've cast our bedroom eyes on some bustier-clad beauties that get a lift in all the right ways. And added our own round-up of form-fitting options. Because what better way to spice up your look for summer than with an occasional twist from the top drawer?

Clockwise, from left: Silence and Noise Printed Zip Bustier, $48, available at Urban Outfitters; Ditu
Knit Corset by Ditu, price upon request, available at Ditu; Cadolle Victoria Corset, $674, available at Journelle; Topshop Bodyon Cup Corset, $70, available at Topshop; Topshop Panel Cup Corset, $70, available at Topshop.
Knit Corset by Ditu, price upon request, available at Ditu; Cadolle Victoria Corset, $674, available at Journelle; Topshop Bodyon Cup Corset, $70, available at Topshop; Topshop Panel Cup Corset, $70, available at Topshop.