You could click "buy" on that too-expensive, prefab Lycra costume online — but, really, where's the fun in that? For DIY enthusiasts like yourself, Halloween is practically the Superbowl, where the craftiest among us get to show off our wit (not to mention poster-paint skills) on a homemade disguise that's a million times more creative than anything from a big-box shop. To showcase our own skills — and serve up some inspiration — we gave three of our editors $25 and asked them to hit The Dollar Store, KMart, and Walgreens to put together a one-of-a-kind costume. So, even if you're still at a loss for how to hit it out of the park this Thursday, maybe it's time to make a trip to your local strip mall — after all, Halloween on the cheap doesn't have to be so scary.

Chloe Daley: The Dollar Store
"I'm actually not the biggest fan of felines in general, but who doesn't love a crazy cat lady? I attached some adorable kittens (Fifi, Sophie, Anastasia, and Pepper) on my pj's with safety pins to make all of us truly inseparable, and they had such a good time on the photo shoot. For anyone looking for an easy costume, this is definitely it."

Connie Wang: Walgreens
"I had assumed that it'd be a cinch to find a costume at Walgreens, but I didn't realize how expensive things could be! I had so many ideas, but all of them went well over the $25 mark (Plastic umbrella + pink crepe paper = jellyfish! Laundry hamper + styrofoam balls = mints dispenser!). Using clear-plastic garbage bags (mandatory now for recycling in NYC!), hangers, copy paper, and Sharpies, I fashioned a dry-cleaning kit. I wore my only 'going-out' dress with it and attached one of my own silk tops and polka-dot blouses to the back. Of course, I couldn't forget to make my own yellow slips. If I was single, this would be the perfect flirtation tool — write up a ticket and offer it up to your boo of choice: 'Don't forget to pick me up this Saturday!'"

Piera Gelardi, KMart
"Inspired by Canal Street and the resurgence of major logo branding on the latest runways, my initial idea was to go as a cheap knockoff. I thought it would be funny to wear all brown like a leather handbag and hand-paint myself with luxury logos head to toe. I cut the giant Chanel logo out of a cardboard box to create an oversized key chain, and when rooting around for accessories to wear with the costume, I found this old chain belt that felt very Versace to me as well as a cat mask in my closet — which gave me the idea of adding a pun to the mix (which I feel always makes a costume even better)."