Read to your heart's content — 300K+ books on your phone or tablet for free! — with this three-month subscription giveaway. (Scribd)
Starting at 5 p.m. tonight, grab a Taylor Bird Sazerac Cocktail and hunt for the baby in your complimentary Billy's Bakery King Cake cupcake. Win the Mardi Gras tradition and you'll receive a two-night stay for two at W New Orleans. (W New York Downtown)
The virtual archive detailing Juanli Carrion's TriBeCa community garden — opening in May — is up and running. Green is good. (Outer Seed Shadow)
This Friday, 13-year-old Jules Spector is hosting a Girl Up event to raise awareness about the issues girls face in developing countries. (Teen Feminist)
Tomorrow is the last day to Instagram your favorite Brook Farm General Store purchase (don't forget to #BrookFarmGeneralStore) to be entered to win a classic market basket. (Brook Farm General Store)