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Once we get our hair blown out to perfection, we really, really want to hold onto it. After all, what else lets us shampoo less? Sadly, the longest we've managed to keep our perfect locks is two days, and then the volume, shine, and bounce just — poof! — disappear.
But, with a few clever styling tricks and a trusty stash of products, we've finally figured out how to make a five-day blowout werk — and it starts with strong hair. Since heated tools and great 'dos are practically inseparable, you definitely want to protect your mane with the Neutrogena® Triple Repair Hair Care system. The powerhouse trio of shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in treatment has been clinically proven to save split ends, strengthen strands, and protect tresses from breaking. Combine it with the foolproof tips above, and you're set for the week. In the words of Queen B, any questions?

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