For those of us who gallantly hang on to our skirts and shorts in the dead of winter, rip-proof hosiery is practically a godsend. And, since tights become our second skin during those cold and seemingly endless months, we are constantly on the hunt for the ultimate pair on the market.
Fortunately, our friends over at The Sweet Home have conducted a super-intensive project in search of the best pair of tights money can buy. And, this investigation doesn't mess around: 54 brands were picked for this study, based on a reader survey and ratings on Amazon and Zappos. From the huge pool of candidates, 16 finalists were tested in real life for their size offerings, proneness to sagging and pilling, and level of comfort. In the end, Wolford's Velvet De Luxe 66 Tights emerged triumphant. However, the findings didn't surprise us, as the brand also won us over when we created our very own roundup, too.
At $45 a pop, the item may seem a little extravagant and somewhat off-season now that the temperatures are finally rising. But, we're pretty confident that its durability will carry you through many seasons to come. Click on to read the full report on The Sweet Home and get the verdicts on other competing brands. After all, it's never a bad idea to have a good pair of hose handy — who's to say the weather won't go completely berserk on us again? Stock up, stat. (The Sweet Home)