A moment of silence, please, for the second death of the equal pay bill. (Jezebel)
In other political news, Hillary Clinton casually announced she's thinking about a 2016 presidential campaign. Let the bumper-sticker picking begin! (Political Ticker)
In sports, congrats go to Derrick Gordon, the first openly gay Division 1 basketball player, for coming out. (ESPN)
Tech-wise: Facebook is getting rid of messaging in its iOS app; thereby quietly forcing demanding asking users to download its Messenger app. (TechCrunch)
And, after a long history marked by corruption and controversy, the Vatican Bank may get a papal pardon from Pope Francis. (The Daily Beast)
Bonus Talking Points:
Heartbleed, a major security breakdown, has left many passwords and credit card information as risk on the Internet. Here's what you have to know and how to protect yourself. (The Washington Post)
Alex Hribal, the 16 year-old suspect who reportedly stabbed 22 people at a Pennsylvania high school, will be tried before a jury as an adult. (ABC)