Take acid. For real. No, we’re not advising you drop the hallucinogenic-trails-with-trippy-music kind of acid. Some people don’t have enough hydrochloric acid, or HCL, in their stomachs to digest their food. Although inflammation is your immune system’s natural response, chronic inflammation is the root of all evil. It causes and contributes to countless diseases and ills like obesity, joint pain, fatigue, heart disease, and cancer. Not only do they have omega 3-fatty acids and fiber, but spicy ginger and bright-yellow turmeric — often found in Asian and Indian dishes — can fight chronic inflammation. Taken in supplement form, ginger can reduce intestinal inflammation, a key to better digestion. And turmeric, the ingredient in curry that provides the yellow hue, works by shutting off a protein that regulates the immune system and triggers the process of inflammation.