When it comes to our locks, we're more than willing to go the distance...okay, maybe explore the distance is more like it. Whether that means having a go with the razor á la Alice Dellal or channeling the '80s mop-top YSL style in a sleek bowl cut, we do indeed love a fresh 'do. So when we noticed the ombre hair highlights beginning to surface, we knew it would be a trend to tempt us. The subtle shift in color, from the palest light to the deepest dark, more than suits our love of contrasts. But could we--would we--actually rock this look ourselves? Tell us straight: Are these ombre hair highlights total radness or just plain badness?

Above, from left: A shady lady on the street in Paris sporting lighter ends, photo by Eddie Newton/mrnewton.net; a model in Hermione de Paula's lookbook with an ombre 'do.

Above: Stylist Katie Shillingford at Paris Fashion Week with blue/black ombre hair, photo by Tommy Ton/jakandjil.com.

Above, from left: Model Anastasija Kondratjeva on the runway at Proenza Schouler, photo via Style.com; Dree Hemmingway with pink ombre hair, photo by Craig Arend/altamiranyc.
See our trend story on blondes.