After scanning our photo album of memorable, clever, silly and infinitely awesome
Halloween costume
moments, you'll never again think fashion people take themselves too seriously. We've got the expertly staged Chain Saw Massacre dude, a yes-we-think-you're totally sexy Rod Stewart, an 8-year-old Cyndi Lauper, and a 4-time gold-medal-winning figure skater…looks like the dress-up gene runs deep!

"This is me dressed as Cyndi Lauper when I was 8. I was very committed to this look and would wear an armful of colored jelly bracelets to school daily. My costume was inspired by my deep and meaningful love of that accessory." —Melissa Coker, Designer, Wren

"This is me as Rod Stewart in 2006. Yes, that's my real hair. When I walked into the party we were attending, 'Do You Think I'm Sexy' was playing and I got to full-on karaoke it on stage. It was awesome. I'm a huge Rod Stewart fan. I even have a framed DC Rod Stewart comic book!" —Sam Shipley, Co-Designer, Shipley & Halmos

"I was super happy about my costume of Annie Leibovitz's John and Yoko. The craziest parts of my night in costume was taking the subway from party to party. People really seemed to think i was into some sort of kinky stuff!" —Gia Bahm, Jewelry Designer, Unearthen

"I've always been a cat person so this full body Cat in the Hat costume seemed perfect for this big Halloween bash in Westchester. Here's a picture of me during a haunted forest walk." —Kathy Lo, Photographer

"My only excuse is that at this age I didn't dress who didn't love the Karate Kid?" —Lisa Dionisio, R29 Listings Editor

"Last year's Dia De Los Muertos party—thrown by Taavo, Carlos, and Hornitos—inspired these costumes. Johnny and I dressed up like the traditional Day of the Dead Mexican bride and groom skeletons. I based our makeup off of some tattoo I found on Google images." —Roanne Adams, Graphic Designer

"I'd been working on a Halloween party at the Bowery Hotel for two days and as people were coming the night of, I ran across the street to the Lafayette House with Courtney's brother-in-law (Scott Stoddard), who as luck would have it, is THE Hollywood special effects artist that did Leather Face in the 2003 version of Texas Chainsaw Massacre. He had a mold of the original, I made a leather apron in 5 minutes, I put it on, stood in the bathtub and he start splattering me with Hollywood fake blood. I was ready to go. Took about 30-40 minutes. It was neither cool or sexy, so people just avoided me, which was fine." —Taavo Somer, restaurateur

"Bet you didn't know Little Orphan Annie was so totally terrifying, did you? I look like Annie and Chuckie's psychotic killer baby." —Piera Gelardi, R29 Style Editor

"This is me in 2005 as an Olympic figure skater. I had a professional costume that needed to be sewn on to me…I could not go to the washroom all night, then cut myself out of it later on." —Maayan Zilberman, Co-Designer, The Lake & Stars

"Here's my brother and I dressed as our childhood heroes, Inspector Gadget and Cleopatra. I remember we didn't want to take the picture—we didn't want to lose any trick or treating time! Afterward, I used to wear the toga around the house, just for fun." —Kelley Hoffman, R29 Contributing Fashion Editor

"This is me as 'baby Colin Powell' with my friend Lydia Turner who is dressed as Carrie Donovan from those Old Navy ads. My initial Halloween idea—half Freddie Mercury, half Freddie Prinze Jr.—was a total disaster, and somehow I ended up in this. This costume confused the hell out of pretty much everyone. Colin's diaper looks about ready for a change—nice and saggy." —Lisa Mayock, Co-Designer, Vena Cava

"I always try to incorporate both a mustache and a miniskirt into my Halloween costume, and this usually leads me down pretty strange roads. Last year I went as Skankhis Khan and I made my friends go as Baberaham Lincoln and Edgar Allen Ho. We spent a long time beforehand brainstorming other sex-ified men, but couldn't figure out how to pull off Vladimir Putin-Out." —Connie Wang, R29 Associate Editor

"This is Halloween performance with Left Coast. I was a stray cat." —Sarah Frances Kuhn

"This is by far my favorite costume—I was a Hooters Waitress. I went to Hooters and sure enough they sell the entire outfit! My friend next to me is Frankie Inglese who was dressed as Schneider from 'One Day at a Time.' We were at a show for the band The Rapture at John Street. Good Times!" —Chrissie Miller, Designer Sophomore

"I'm not a fan of spending money on costumes, nor am I particularly good at DIY, so my roommate and I, both avid Arrested Development fans, decided to be resourceful and make use of my abundant collection of nude tank tops (don't ask) to be Never-Nudes. We figured nobody would get it, so we made name cards that read 'Never Nudes Anonymous.' People mostly didn't get our costumes till they scrutinized our name cards…after which they would get really excited." —Beverly Fong, R29 Editorial Intern

—Tom Hines, photographer

"My first halloween as a cow. Moo!" —Taylor McNeil, R29 Editorial Intern