Mark your calendars: Chelsea Handler's last day at E! will be August 26. (Vulture)
Nostalgia alert: LeVar Burton has launched a Kickstarter to bring Reading Rainbow back to classrooms to improve literacy in the U.S. (Laughing Squid)
Billboard launched a new, real-time hype machine so you can keep up with that one friend who always seems to know the hottest tracks before they're hot. (Billboard)
At the same time, Apple confirmed its $3 billion acquisition of Dr. Dre's Beats along with Dre's other streaming services. (The Verge)
Politically, President Obama used his West Point commencement speech to reassure the country that his foreign policy doesn't include "American isolationism." (The New York Times)
Nigerian officials announced yesterday that four more of the missing girls have escaped from their Boko Haram captors. Chief of Defense Staff Air Marshal Alex Badeh has promised that the Nigerian Armed Forces will secure the release of the other 219 captured. (Reuters)
Court-side, Donald Sterling has authorized the sale of the L.A. Clippers despite his vow to keep them. So, basically, the whole situation is one big arm-shrug. (Slate)
Finally, the erectile-dysfunction pill known as Cialis might soon become an over-the-counter medication, making it the first male-impotence remedy to be available without a prescription. (USA Today)