Rainbow Brite is getting a reboot, and Emily Osment might be playing the title character. (AV Club)
A round of a-paws for IKEA's new project that helps animals in shelters find owners. (Esquire)
Woody Allen doesn't think any negative publicity he's received will affect how his movies perform at the box office. (The New York Times)
Batman (well, Ben Affleck) gave a bunch of kids and parents a thrill when he showed up at a Superman-themed birthday party in a Detroit suburb. (Pink Is the New Blog)
Lusting over HBO Go access but don't want to shell out for the actual premium cable channel? Here's a way to circumvent a full-on HBO subscription and still get your Go on. (Fast Company)
Turns out our formative years of making string bracelets at summer camp were just paving the way for DIY Internet tutorials. (BuzzFeed)
Finally, file this under "things that exist:" anatomical lingerie. (Dangerous Minds)