The Giver hits screens today. Find out why star Odeya Rush might just be the next Jennifer Lawrence.
See the powerful hashtag movement that's developing in response to the shooting in Ferguson.
More and more stories about the connections Robin Williams made during his life are emerging, like this moving account of his relationship with bike maker Dario Pegoretti. (WSJ)
The new power couples are the people with the largest social media followings. Using "we" and "us" is now covert self-promotion. (The New York Times)
It's been almost three months since a 12-year-old girl in Wisconsin was stabbed by two of her supposed friends in tribute to Slender Man. Newsweek has a fascinating deep dive into the horrifying turn of events. (Newsweek)
He's starred in shoot-em-up movies like Rambo and The Expendables, but Sylvester Stallone is one of Hollywood's most outspoken critics of guns. (The Daily Beast)
Finally, these are the deejays whose mixes you're going to want on playlists ASAP. (Style)