Surprise, surprise: A U.N.-backed study reveals that female movie characters in distinguished professions (like politics, medicine, and law) are even more underrepresented in Hollywood than IRL.
If Kendall Jenner can't convince you to get out there and vote, perhaps this makeup tutorial will. (Huffington Post)
Your daily fit tip: Bored with crunches? Try this standing ab workout instead. Neck irritation not included.
Five years ago, actor/artist/student/professor/author/bald-head James Franco was given unprecedented access to Saturday Night Live — and made a documentary. As of tomorrow, the entire thing will (finally) be available online. Happy streaming! (Vulture )
Fashion editor (and former R29 intern) Preetma Singh also plays drums in the New York band Vomitface, whose new video will not make you do what the name suggests.
Harvard Business School social psychologist (and TED star) Amy Cuddy believes in way more than just standing power poses. That's right, she has suggestions for sleeping poses to increase productivity as well. So, combine these gadgets with these tips, and a killer Beyoncé pose while you rest, and prepare to become invincible. (Science Of Us)
Apple is facing many an iPhone 6 and iOS 8 complaint. So, is this BlackBerry's moment to reclaim dominance? (The New York Times)
Finally, remember The Situation from Jersey Shore? He's being charged with tax-fraud conspiracy. (People)