8 Things You Need To Know This AM — Dec 29 2014

Despite the results of the 2014 midterm elections, Democrats are confident they've still got the techie edge in their favor.
If you're still planning to watch The Interview, you should head to Twitter and re-create last night's live-tweet session with @Sethrogen @JamesFrancoTV, and @evandgoldberg for Pop-Up Video-style commentary.
New York Police Commissioner Bill Bratton doesn't approve of the way police officers turned their backs on the video of Mayor Bill de Blasio at the funeral of slain officer Rafael Ramos on Saturday. Then again, he told Face the Nation, it did reflect the way many on the force feel.
From Idris Elba talking about Dracula's castle to Amy Poehler revealing her 50 Shades of Grey cameo to Julian Assange discussing government transparency, Mashable lists the 10 best Reddit AMAs of 2014.
Awww, remember when Heath Ledger consoled Joseph Gordon-Levitt? Every morning is better with a series of 10 Things I Hate About You gifs.
If ABC's Agent Carter turns out to be Alias set in the '40s, we are so there.
Gone Girl helmer David Fincher, previously known as the guy who directed Madonna's "Vogue," is making an HBO series about '80s video directors.
Finally, here is a photo of our president in a tiara. Thanks, Girl Scouts!

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