8 Things You Need To Know This AM — Feb 23 2015

The end of awards season, with all its red
carpet excitement, emotional acceptance speeches and delightfully
self-congratulatory undertones, is officially upon us. Find out who took home the most covetted statuette of all with our
official 87th Annual Academy Awards Winners List. (How did your
predictions fare?)      

“For 22 years, The Simpsons has been lying to
us,” astronomer Phil Plait reveals to Slate. In a recent episode, a waxing crescent moon shown with its tips pointing to the
right proves that Springfield is not in the United States after all, but
rather located somewhere in the southern hemisphere. D’Oh!    

Still haven’t forgotten your high school
sweetheart? Turns out there may be good reason not to: According to a Cal State
University study reported by CBS News
, “former sweethearts who meet up later in
life, and are single, have a better than 70 percent chance of getting back
together for good.”

Iconic Friends star Lisa Kudrow laments the “tragedy”
of “no self esteem” seen among the characters of HBO’s Girls and encourages
women not to accept the Hollywood gender wage gap in a revealing interview with
The Guardian

Narwhals, narwhals, swimming in the ocean,
causing a commotion! Thank you, Sprint, for bringing this unforgettable ditty into the zeitgeist. Just don't blame us when it's stuck in your head all day.     

Ugly cry warning. Police officers, firefighters and EMT
technicians in South Portland, Maine, held a touching send-off for veteran
police dog, Sultan
, gathering together to give their beloved German shepherd one
last pet before taking him to a local vet to be euthanized. 

The newly-bearded Stephen Colbert will
be making a stop at The Mindy Project
—look for him to appear as Father Michael O’Donnell—before
taking over hosting duties for The Late Show this September.      

Runners of Sunday’s Disney Princess
Half Marathon were greeted at the end of their 13.1-mile trek through the Magic
Kingdom and Epcot Center theme parks by a cavalcade of costumed characters congratulating
them, and the resulting photo-ops more than made the entire endeavor feel worthwhile.


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