8 Things You Need To Know This AM — Jul 01 2015

Photo: Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP Photo.
Do you dream of taking a Taser to a local government official? If you buy a $5 raffle ticket in Van Meter, IA, you might get the chance! (The Des Moines Register)
Another 3,000 pages of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails were released late Tuesday night. Only another 51,000 or so to go. (Reuters)
Twitter was right: According to a Justice Department report, Ferguson police violated civil rights during the unrest that followed the death of Michael Brown last summer. (The St. Louis Post Dispatch)
Ebola is back: Nearly two months after Liberia declared itself Ebola-free, a 17-year-old boy died of the disease this weekend, according to country's deputy health minister. (CNN)
In a brighter bit of global health news, Cuba became the first country to stop HIV transmission from mother to baby, the World Health Organization announced this week. (NBC News)
California has officially eliminated all personal-belief exemptions from state immunization laws, so get ready for a stampede of lawsuits from irate anti-vaccine parents. (Los Angeles Times)
A Louisiana Walmart baked and custom decorated a cake with the ISIS flag on it, and unlike the sex-toy flag mistaken for an ISIS banner London’s Pride parade, it was an actual ISIS flag. (USA Today)
Republican Senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz wants millennials to know that he does some decent Simpsons impressions. (BuzzFeed)

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