8 Things You Need To Know This AM — Jul 09 2015

Photo: Ron Sachs/REX USA
A federal judge cancelled the Washington Redskin’s trademark in a win for everyone who finds the football team’s name racist. (The Washington Post)
As two big (unrelated) tech glitches grounded United Airlines flights and shut down the New York Stock Exchange yesterday, of course, everyone assumed it was the apocalypse. (BuzzFeed)
Donald's on a roll: On Wednesday, the presidential hopeful mocked a female reporter on-air, and a celebrity chef dropped out of a Trump hotel restaurant. (The Daily Beast)
Affirmative consent, often dubbed “yes means yes,” is now the law on private college campuses in New York state. (The New York Times)
Baltimore's mayor fired the city's police commissioner in response to a big spike in homicides. (AP)
It’s now legal to break into people’s cars in Tennessee — if you’re doing so to save a pet whose life you believe to be at risk. (TIME)
White people are a minority in the state of California; Latinos are now officially the state's largest demographic. (L.A. Times)
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew isn’t backing down: The $10 bill (not the $20) will be the next to feature a woman. (Politico)

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