8 Things You Need To Know This AM — Jul 15 2015

Photo: John Locher/AP Photo.
Republicans are really, REALLY not happy about the historic nuclear deal with Iran. (Slate)
Can Twitter revolutionize how people interact with the government? It did in this town. (Refinery29)
This 10-year old girl has a passport that will put most backpackers to shame, and she’s already blogging about her adventures. (Yahoo! Travel)
Three lesbian couples are suing Arkansas health officials for the right to have both parents’ names on their kids’ birth certificates. (Jezebel)
Mexican officials haven't exactly jumped at the chance to let America help find and capture El Chapo, the drug lord who escaped from prison this weekend. (New York Times)
The Oklahoma Republican Party compared poor people in need of food assistance to animals. It was not a well-received comparison. (Think Progress)
Good news: Boston's biggest snow pile has finally melted. Bad news: That's not the last of the snow from their epic winter. (New York)
The military training exercise that conspiracy theorists believe is a secret U.S. plot to take over Texas — yes, the state of Texas — starts today! (The Guardian)

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