8 Things You Need To Know This AM — Aug 30 2015

Photo: MTV
The VMAs are tonight, but what are you not seeing on TV? This exposé offers some insight into how celebrities treat their talent escorts, and in short, they're not all very nice. Sounds like a hard job. Your couch is probably much nicer than working on the show. (Flavorwire)
Jeremy Scott, creative director of Moschino, the designer of this year's VMA Moonman, and Miley Cyrus's BFF, answers seven questions. Yes, he did cry when he get the call about the Moonman, and no, he didn't ask if he would get one for himself. (Refinery29)
Democratic Presidential hopefuls Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley agree: they think the party have slanted their primary debates in favor of Hillary Clinton. The two men spoke to the Democratic National Committee this weekend and they're not happy there will only be six debates. O'Malley said the set-up is "rigged" for Clinton. (New York Times)
Men who want to know how to be allies to women in the fight for equality can refer to this list of 35 things they can do. It starts with upping their housework load to 50% and ends with learning to self-identify, out loud and with words, as a feminist. In-between comes the suggestion they get the HPV vaccine. (xoJane)
Porn stars are angry that the U.S. government has been subpoenaing their medical records. The government is building a case for a statewide law in California that requires condoms to be worn on set. Performers say it's a personal vendetta against the industry, not to mention an invasion of privacy. (The Daily Beast)
Think you need an Ivy League degree to make big bucks? Think again. A new study found that what you major in is a better predictor of how much you'll make than whose seal is on the diploma. STEM fields are still in high demand and students with those degrees boast the highest salaries. (Refinery29)
Ready to start eating bugs? If you care about green production and organic food, they might be your best source of protein. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization says we should start thinking about bugs as an option, but can we get over the "ew" factor or the F.D.A. hurdles? (The Guardian)
Hurricane Katrina made Louisiana's ecological problems worse and redrew the map of the Gulf Coast. Ten years later, we're evaluating the storm's ecological fallout, from destroyed wetlands to chemical and oil spills to inland deforestation. The good news is, that for the most part, animals are recovering just fine. (Smithsonian)

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