We wrote about these invisible shoes before and made a note about how uncomfortable they look, but these DIY huaraches from "running shoe" brand Invisible Shoes really take the cake. For $49.95, you receive a piece of rubber cut to fit the shape and size of your foot, laced with shoestring in the color of your choice. If you want to save $25, you can opt for the unconstructed version that has a flat sheet of sole material and loose laces. The shoe itself is modeled after the traditional sandal of the Taruhumara runners of Mexico, who we bet are jogging on clay and softer terrain and not on feet-busting cement sidewalks. There's apparently a slew of benefits that comes with barefoot (or nearly barefoot) running, but after looking at a few dozen images of Invisible Shoes wearer's feet—and we apologize for bringing it up—we can't get over how gnarly your dogs will get afterward. Woof, indeed.
Images from Running and Rambling.