A group of Canadian women has an idea to defeat the conservative prime minister: send Instagram nudes to everyone who votes. (Buzzfeed)
Lamar Odom remains in a coma after being found unconscious in a Nevada brothel. E! reports that doctors are treating Odom’s condition as an accidental overdose. (Refinery29)
An Idaho anti-choice organization opened a fake clinic in Belfast. The clinic’s mission is to convince women to follow through with their pregnancies, regardless of the danger posed. (The Telegraph)
An Uber software bug leaked the personal data of 700 U.S. drivers. Uber acknowledged the glitch and apologized for the exposure of incredibly sensitive information. (BBC News)
Yoko Ono revealed that John Lennon had a “desire” to sleep with other men, but he couldn’t find any who were cute and smart enough. (Time)
Restaurateur Danny Meyer will eliminate tipping at all 13 of his restaurants. By increasing menu prices by 30 to 35%, Meyer plans to properly pay his employees. (Grubstreet)
A Chicago school district would rather lose its funding than let transgender students use the locker room. The superintendent proposes a "separate but equal" system, where the student uses her own set of facilities. (Gawker)
Dole recalled bags of spinach in 13 states due to a possible salmonella contamination. States with recalls include New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. (USA Today)

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