How would you describe your sound?
"A blend of '60s surf-pop harmonies and contemporary production techniques. Julie Pilat of L.A.'s 102.7 KIIS FM described us as 'Foster the People meets the Beach Boys', which was a pretty hype compliment."
In this photo-shoot you were outfitted in Club Monaco gear. How would you describe your style?
"A lot like our music and a lot like San Francisco itself. We're a mix of old-school California and our own new take on things. For example, our lead singer Koley will wear a thrift store plaid with red pants from H&M, a seersucker blazer and a boutonniere, while our lead-guitar player Joe swings pretty all-American, and our drummer Troy is more urban skate. But somehow it manages work together and we think we make a pretty good picture on stage."

Band founders and main songwriters Koley O'Brien and Joe Spargur.
What are your favorite S.F. 'hoods?
"We love 'em all! We live in the Sunset and record at Different Fur Studios in the Mission, but if we have to send some love to just one we'd say the Tenderloin. That 'hood is going to blow up any minute and there's nothing like drinks around the pool at the Phoenix after a show at the Rickshaw."
Where would you dine for your "Last Supper" in San Francisco?
"Lately it's grilled sammies at Mission Cheese with a bottomless-mimosas chaser from Radish."
What's up next for you fellas?
"Most immediately is an early-September tour, then we're going to hit the studio and record the songs we've been writing all summer. Can't wait!"