Style Bloggers may be a dime a dozen these days, but when it comes to raising the bar on daily sartorial awesomeness, The Glamourai's Kelly Framel has that market cornered. If you're one of her 12,000 twitter followers or half a million daily readers, you know this former designer-turned-digital fashion connoisseur has a lot to say about models, trends, must-haves, and, especially, her own unique make-us-want-to-copy-her style. As the third installment in our "Lipstick Diaries" series (thanks, Dior!), we tagged along with this Brooklyn-based ingenue for a very Glamourai day on the town...gosh, she makes it look so easy!

ABC Kitchen, 35 East 18th Street (between Broadway and Park Avenue South), New York, NY; 212-475-5829.

The Jane Hotel, 113 Jane Street (near West Street), New York; 212-924-6705.
Craving more? Check out our other Dior Addict Lipstick Diaries with Louise Roe and Aimee Song.