#5 For Pieces is the first book by stylist/writer Sarah Maher. A regular contributor to our very own site, her fun Screen Shot write-ups showcase the mutual influence of film and fashion. Now, Maher is transposing her fashion savvy from the internet onto the page (self-published!). The title of her work refers to auction listings for chipped antique dolls that are sold for parts. Using the theme of fracture, her black-and-white collages re-assemble disparate vintage images of stylish ladies (pulled from $1 sale books and clippings from old New York Times movie star obituaries). The book comes with a CD made by Maher's musician husband. Ah, DIY and starlet razzle-dazzle: they don't make 'em like they used to.

Available online at Yoko Devereaux as of January 25th; also selling at Spoonbill + Sugartown books and Academy Records in Brooklyn.