Last night Levi's and Glam Media invited us over to their 14th St. store to check out their new Fall line-up and… have you been to a Levi's lately? Well, before yesterday, we hadn't either. But things are changing. Trying to break out of their commercial shell, and move into less mainstream digs, Levi's is turning away from their staple blue jean functionality and get into the closets of hipsters rather than handymen. Ok, so maybe many of you trendy gents likely have a classic pair in your closet, but us ladies have definitely felt left out of the Strauss family. Well, no more. Levi's has concocted a new take on the "boyfriend" denim we've been seeing left and right. The women's 501, like the the men's classic, fit right—not too low on the hip, baggy in all the right places, tapered at the ends—with the classically reasonable price of $68.00. We had to snag an alabaster pair—nothing like white denim in winter, right?
For more information go to www.levi.com.