Ever the frugal gals, when we find a pair of flat sandals or soaring wedges we couldn't love more, we wear them to death. It manages to be both obsessive AND economical. But now with a fresh new round of clever shoe accessories, we can freshen up the old standbys in a snap. No trips to the cobbler necessary—instead, these fanciful accoutrements will change up your most run-o-the-mill heels. We freaked when we found we could re-create Alex Wang's Alexis Fringe Boot or evoke a fab knee-high for a fraction of the cost. Any of these bold chains, Victorian-inspired shoe clips, and tough wraps of leather will refresh even the most keenly-curated shoe collections—and magically make our old stomping ground a lot more interesting.

Above, from left: Posso the Spat The Sound Spats, $93 (were $264), available at Revolve Clothing; Dekkori Charisma Pull-On Boot, $156, available in August at Intermix.

Above, from left: Dekkori Mystique Criss-Cross Straps, $64, available in August at Intermix; Boos & Besito Shoe Blooms, $34, available at New High Mart.

Above, from left: Litter SF Walk The Plank Shoe Jewelry, $98, available at Litter SF; Posso the Spat The Subject Spats, $127 (were $253), available at Revolve Clothing.