Have you been waiting with bated breath for more 411 on the much-anticipated Steve Jobs biopic starring Ashton Kutcher — well, keep waiting.
Sure, everyone is up in arms about the aforementioned film, but what we’re really excited about is screenwriter Aaron Sorkin’s Jobs-themed cinematic, sure-to-be-a-hit version of Walter Isaacson's literary tale. Perhaps you've heard of the 656-page must-read?
Lucky for us, Sorkin kind of spilled the beans at the Newsweek/Daily Beast Hero Summit, revealing that the flick will only consist of three scenes that all take place in real time. The trio of scenes will center around three separate product launches. It seems Sorkin has chosen the original Mac, the Next computer, and the iPod. What, no iPhone? Either way, we’re on pins and needles waiting for the next tidbit — or better yet, the film’s release. (Daily Beast)
Photo: Via IMDb