Trust us when we say that we completely understand the appeal of sharing fun life events with friends, family, and maybe even a few strangers Facebook friends. Just check out our Instagram and Twitter feeds for proof — we don't shy away from sharing personal deets for the sake of a good story. Live tweeting an acid trip, though? We'll file that under "Never In A Million Years."
However, avid Tweeter Brad (née “Gary Debussy,” a.k.a. @hella_brad) was in a different frame of mind (literally!) last Saturday, when he decided to share his experience of taking “acid and go[ing] to a frat barbeque.” He takes us along on his adventure (in every sense of the word), sharing everything from his new-found appreciation for nature ("The shadows of the tree I'm sitting under bobbed as I tweeted that and I'm imagining that's nature saying 'yes that's right.'"), to his food cravings ("Today I am trying to live w/ PURPOSE now let's go buy VEGAN ICE CREAM I just decided that's next."), to full-on nonsensical feelings ("That bike is a song. These leaves are a song. That AC vent is a song. That door hinge is a song. Those wind chimes are a song. My footsteps.")
The Atlantic picked up on this collection of awesome randomness, and got their health editor to explain the science behind Brad's musings. Turns out, not surprisingly, LSD causes feelings of euphoria and existential ambition, as well as heightened senses. It should be noted that neither we at R29 nor The Atlantic endorse acid use, but one has to admit these tweets make for a pretty good laugh.
Click through to check out Brad's trip in its entirety — and don't worry, he made it home safe and sound.
(The Atlantic)
(The Atlantic)

Photo: Via The Atlantic