If there ever floated around a myth that New York City is where the people are fashionable and the apartments are like closets, then last night's Acne Paper launch party confirmed it as fact. True, it was held at the Acne studio space in SoHo rather than somebody's house, but the atmosphere was decidedly intimate and homey: The Opening Ceremony kids hugged like family, the art gallery curators mixed and mingled and air-kissed, and everybody crowded around and squeezed past each other to see the latest issue of Acne Paper, which had a steamy, erotic slant. Though the event started at 6, naturally, most of the crowd poured in closer to 8 (but designer friends Jeff Halmos and Rebecca Turbow dipped out on the early side). We've captured some of the best-dressed for you below, though many were too sweaty to want to be captured on film. We say: Prepare yourselves fashion folk, you've got a long summer of awkward photo-ops ahead of you.