Your website is all about curating the best eco-friendly products and enlightening consumers. What's your ultimate goal to contribute to this movement?
"This [the sustainability movement] is like a big family of enthusiasts. You know, people who are working towards the same goals, and we're all supporting each other. That's what it's about. As the community grows, we want to replace the standard order of operating business, and become the new norm."
Are you guys trying to branch into any other markets, or even to produce your own eco-friendly products to sell on the site?
"Well, we partner with other people who know how to produce great things. We wouldn't dare try and tell a fashion person how to be fashionable."
We think you could! You definitely have your own style
"(Laughs). That's a nice way of saying you have no style."
No, no! You definitely have a voice in that area. You're always dressed very New York-cool.
"Well, now you've got me all self-conscious. (Looks down at his sneakers)"
What about restaurants? We've all gotta eat.
I'm always at restaurants. Fat Radish, and I always love Angelica Kitchen, but that's more for die-hard healthy people. I like Fat Radish because it's sustainable food, but with a little more flourish."
"It's fun! I tell people, stop being such a stick in the mud. Come join us, we're having a buttload of fun."
Photo: Courtesy Amy Sussman/AP Images for Ford